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AS Ancam Rezim Kim Jong Un Berakhir Bila Korut Kerahkan Nuklir

Washington D.C – Hubungan Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Korea Utara (Korut) memanas. Pihak AS mengingatkan bahwa serangan nuklir oleh Korea Utara terhadap kepentingan AS akan mengakibatkan “berakhirnya” rezim Kim Jong Un.
Ancaman ini disampaikan AS dalam sebuah dokumen strategi Departemen Pertahanan AS atau Pentagon yang dirilis pada Kamis (27/10) waktu setempat. Ancaman itu bukan tanpa alasan.

Pasalnya Korea Utara tengah aktif menembakkan rudal balistik ke sekitar wilayah Korea Selatan. Yang terbaru, Korea Utara (Korut) menembakkan “rudal balistik yang tak teridentifikasi” pada hari Jumat (29/10).

“Tidak ada skenario di mana rezim Kim dapat menggunakan senjata nuklir dan terus bertahan,” demikian bunyi Laporan Strategi Pertahanan Nasional yang dirilis Pentagon, seperti dilansir kantor berita AFP, Jumat (29/10/2022).

Pentagon mengatakan akan terus mencegah serangan Korea Utara melalui “postur ke depan,” termasuk pencegahan nuklir, pertahanan udara dan rudal terintegrasi, dan koordinasi yang erat dan interoperabilitas dengan Korea Selatan.

Sebelumnya, dalam kunjungan ke Jepang pada hari Selasa (25/10), Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri AS Wendy Sherman menegaskan bahwa Amerika Serikat akan sepenuhnya menggunakan kemampuan militernya, “termasuk nuklir,” untuk membela sekutunya Korea Selatan dan Jepang.

Bulan lalu, Kementerian Pertahanan Korea Selatan memperingatkan Korea Utara bahwa menggunakan senjata nuklirnya akan menempatkannya pada “jalur penghancuran diri.”

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The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.
The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.

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