Home>>Berita Terkini>>Presiden Nigeria Ungkap Korban Tewas Kapal Terbalik Jadi 76 Orang
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Presiden Nigeria Ungkap Korban Tewas Kapal Terbalik Jadi 76 Orang

HOBI4D  – Presiden Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari mengungkapkan jumlah terkini korban tewas peristiwa kapal terbalik di negara bagian Anambra, Nigeria, menjadi 76 orang. Kapal itu terbalik karena kelebihan muatan.
Sekitar 85 orang berada di dalam kapal ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi pada Jumat (7/10), di daerah yang dilanda banjir.

“Kapal itu dilaporkan membawa 85 orang terbalik menyusul meningkatnya banjir di wilayah negara bagian Ogbaru, dengan badan darurat mengkonfirmasi jumlah korban tewas 76,” kata kantor Buhari dilansir AFP, Senin (10/10/2022).

Dia pun meminta seluruh jajaran memberikan layanan darurat untuk membantu korban. Dia juga mendoakan agar keluarga korban diberi ketabahan.

“Saya berdoa untuk ketenangan jiwa almarhum dan untuk keselamatan semua orang, serta kesejahteraan anggota keluarga korban kecelakaan tragis ini,” katanya.

Diketahui, kecelakaan kapal sering terjadi di Nigeria karena kelebihan muatan, kecepatan tinggi, perawatan yang buruk, dan pengabaian peraturan lalu lintas. Sejak awal musim hujan, banyak daerah di Nigeria dilanda banjir.

Lebih dari 300 orang tewas dan sedikitnya 100.000 orang kehilangan tempat tinggal dalam insiden terburuk di negara itu sejak 2012, menurut layanan darurat.

Ribuan lahan pertanian dan tanaman juga hanyut oleh banjir, memicu ketakutan akan kekurangan pangan, kelaparan, dan kelaparan di negara yang sudah berjuang dengan dampak pandemi COVID-19 dan perang di Ukraina.




The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.
The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.

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