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Arsenal Mencapai Kesepakatan Soal Transfer Oleksandr Zinchenko

HOBI4D – Arsenal Mencapai Kesepakatan Soal Transfer Oleksandr Zinchenko. Arsenal akhirnya mendapat kata sepakat dengan Manchester City untuk transfer Oleksandr Zinchenko. Namun, transfer pemain 25 tahun itu belum rampung. Masih ada kesepakatan personal yang harus didapatkan Arsenal.

Pep Guardiola bakal merombak lini belakang Man City pada musim 2022/2023 ini. Guardiola akan melepas Zinchenko yang selama ini jarang menjadi pilihan utama untuk posisi bek kiri.

Rencana Guardiola, setelah melepas pemain asal Ukraina itu, Man City akan membeli Marc Cucurella sebagai pengganti. Negosiasi dengan Brighton untuk transfer pemain jebolan La Masia tersebut sudah dimulai.

Zinchenko punya tawaran dari banyak klub top Eropa. Namun, belakangan Arsenal menjadi tim yang paling serius mendekatinya. Yuk simak detail kesepakatan antara Arsenal dan Man City di bawah ini ya Bolaneters.

Sudah Deal, Tapi Belum Usai
Arsenal awalnya tertarik pada servis Lisandro Martinez. Namun, sang pemain lebih memilih pindah ke Manchester United. Arsenal kemudian fokus pada upaya mendapatkan jasa Zinchenko, yang bisa bermain sebagai bek tengah pada formasi tiga bek.

Negosiasi berjalan cukup alot. Man City memang ingin melepas Zinchenko, akan tetapi tidak dengan harga murah. Pada hari Sabtu (16/7/2022), Arenal dan Man City akhirnya menemui kata sepakat soal kepindahan Zinchenko.

Menurut laporan Fabrizio Romano, The Gunners sudah sepakat secara verbal dengan Man City. Arsenal akan membayar sekitar 30 juta euro untuk pemain 25 tahun itu.

Akan tetapi, negosiasi masih belum usai. Arsenal belum mendapatkan kata sepakat dari Zinchenko. Nilai gaji dan durasi kontrak akan dibahas secara intensif dalam waktu dekat. Arsenal optimis bisa merampungkan transfer Zinchenko.




The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.
The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.

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