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Erling Haaland Akan Gabung Bersama Arsenal

HOBI4D – Erling Haaland Akan Gabung Bersama Arsenal. Gelandang Arsenal, Martin Odegaard mengomentari spekulasi masa depan Erling Haaland. Ia menyebut bahwa sang striker harus bergabung dengan Arsenal jika ia memang ingin melanjutkan karir di Inggris.

Haaland diyakini akan berganti klub di musim panas nanti. Ia akan meninggalkan Dortmund setelah dua setengah tahun bermain di Jerman.

Menurut rumor terbaru Haaland akan pindah ke Inggris. Beberapa klub seperti Manchester United dan Manchester City dilaporkan tertarik akan sang striker.

Namun Odegaard menilai Haaland lebih baik pindah ke Arsenal di musim panas nanti. “Dia orangnya lucu,” buka Odegaard kepada Stadium Astro.

Gabung Arsenal Saja
Odegaard sendiri tidak berharap Haaland bergabung dengan klub lain. Sang gelandang ingin Haaland bergabung dengan Arsenal di musim depan.

“Dia adalah teman baik saya dan ia pemain yang hebat. Jadi kita lihat apa yang akan terjadi dengannya di musim panas nanti,”

“Saya pribadi tidak tahu ke mana ia akan pergi. Namun jika ia datang ke Inggris, maka ia harus ikut dengan saya ke Arsenal,”

Pemain Luar Biasa
Sebagai rekan satu timnas, Odegaard mengaku terkesan dengan Haaland. Ia menilai sang striker merupakan sosok yang mengerikan di lini serang.

“Saya tahu banyak orang ingin Haaland mengikuti perkataan mereka, namun saya tidak mau seperti itu. Jadi kita lihat apa yang akan terjadi nanti,”

“Dia seorang monster, dia kuat dan juga cepat. Saya rasa ia memiliki segalanya, sehingga ia bisa bermain di semua liga dan di semua negara,” ujarnya.

Gaji Besar
Menurut laporan yang beredar, tidak banyak klub yang bisa menampung Haaland di musim panas nanti.

Ini disebabkan sang striker meminta gaji di atas 500 ribu Euro per pekan, sehingga banyak klub yang tidak sanggup membayar angka itu.




The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.
The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year. Accordingly , this increase influenced the price of most products. She died as a result of her injuries. My car broke down and consequently I arrive rather late. Thereupon he got up and walked out. He is the eldest son in the family and thus heir to the title. You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think, It’s rather beautiful.
This defeat was widely predicted but it is disappointing nevertheless. He waits a long time above all else to see his family again. Barring accidents, we should arrive home on time. Apart from going to Italy and Spain, he will also visit Britain. I live in the village chiefly to avoid the noise. The price of the excursion is including the accommodation. As an example of the fail to control the inflation is the fail of the government on economics sectors. Consider, in this case , the effect of Global Warming. The word of “Ambon” is forever coupled with the word of “Bika”.

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